
About Us – CSR

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In 2014, using Swiss Contribution funds, we began implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility program. As part of the program, a number of activities have been undertaken to, inter alia, clear mapping and development of the company vision, improvement of internal and external communication processes, additional support for employees’ professional development and company involvement in the local community. Funds were also obtained for the investment in the GPS and Mobileye systems, enabling both monitoring and economic management of the vehicle fleet, resulting in significant increase in the safety of passengers and the drivers themselves.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

It is a strategy according to which enterprises, in addition to economic aspects, take into account social, ecological and ethical aspects. A socially responsible company cares about creating transparent relationships with employees, clients and partners. In line with the CSR idea, the company uses clear business practices based on respect for the community, the environment and employees.

By adopting a strategy consistent with corporate social responsibility, the company voluntarily undertakes to act in an ethical manner and in accordance with prevailing organizational, environmental and cultural standards.

Interglobus Tour policy on corporate social responsibility:
– Increasing the safety of passengers and drivers by equipping vehicles with GPS ETOS monitoring system and Mobileye collision prevention system.
– Minimizing the negative impact of fuel combustion emissions and increasing efficiency in resource management, including in particular vehicle fleet.
– The introduction of a transparent personnel policy, including operating a clear recruitment, remuneration and bonus system for employees, in line with the equality policy.
– Implementation of internal communication system facilitating knowledge sharing with employees and exchange of information within the company.
– Increasing social involvement through local activities and partnerships to support and promote the region.

Project co-financing value: CHF 29,560


For more information on the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program, please visit:



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